Credentialing Support
State Resources
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - A web site dedicated to California public school teaching credentials. California Department of Education - California's Lead State Education Agency and Co-Sponsor of Statewide BTSA Programs. California Pre-Intern Program California Internship Teacher Preparation Programs California Teacher Recruitment Centers County Offices of Education with Pre-Intern Programs Alameda Orange Santa Barbara Contra Costa Placer Santa Clara Imperial Riverside Santa Cruz Kings San Benito Solano Los Angeles San Francisco Stanislaus Marin San Joaquin Tulare Merced San Luis Obispo Ventura Monterey San Mateo Yuba Testing Information ETS-Teaching and Learning Division -The place to find out about some of the required tests for licensing. National Evaluation Systems - CSET, SSAT and MSAT testing Curriculum and Classroom Management
Classroom management can be one one of the most difficult areas for new educators. There are no generic management skills that can be easily adapted to all situations. New teachers must adopt techniques that fit not only their own teaching styles but fit the needs of the age group, ability and temperament of their class. This page contains links designed to assist new, as well as experienced educators with time and paper management, classroom management techniques, parent communication skills and stress management.
Time and Paper
SST/Child Study Team A SST/Child Study Team is composed of parents, teachers, a psychologist and the school principal, who all meet together to assess, evaluate and plan strategies to help an individual student.
School Events
All teachers, new and experienced, have many extra jobs to do in their time of careers. Events such as back to school nights, open houses, report cards and parent/teacher conferences take much time in planning. Our goal is to support teachers with all these events they have to face throughout the year. We will provide discussion groups, the latest parent/teacher conference guides, and samples of report cards and progress reports. First Day of School
Curriculum Resources
The Pedagogy in Practice video case studies include an extensive set or math and science resources along with over 200 downloadable pdfs.
Language Arts
Global Connection/Pen Pals
Sites That Contain Lesson Plans For All Subjects